But Why???

Sis, November is all about the Thanksgiving holiday and kicking off the end-of-year holiday season. And our focus this month is not only on Thanks GIVING, but also in GIVING Back. During the holidays, we get so caught up on what’s on our menu for Thanksgiving dinner, what deals we’ll get on Black Friday/Cyber Monday, and what we’ll add to our Christmas List that we can sometimes lose sight on the importance of being a blessing to others during this season.

No matter what 2020 has brought your way, I am certain that 1.) there is someone out there that is going through a more challenging time than you -- so why not give back?; and 2.) you can think of at least 10 things to be grateful for right this moment -- so why not give thanks? It is important for us as Chayil Women to emulate a heart of gratitude consistently -- not just during the Thanksgiving season. Yet, it can be so difficult to do when we are in a really busy season or going through a challenging period.
Ironically, November has been an exceptionally challenging month for me. Imagine, I planned for this to be a month focusing on intentional thanks-giving and then suddenly life seems to smack me in the face. To add to it, my church is participating in 30 days of prayer & fasting. But here I was at the beginning of the month and at the beginning of this time of praying and fasting, and I literally had nothing I wanted to pray to God about. And it wasn’t that there weren’t things or people to pray about - there were. But challenges can cause us to be so weighted in our spirit that we become mute. You know when you’ve prayed and prayed about things and you just literally become weary in your spirit and have nothing more to say -- I had that feeling.
[The Holy Spirit] knew what I would be going through now and gave me the solution to my challenge, before it even came.
But I am so grateful for the Holy Spirit that caused me to purpose in my heart a month ago that I would be intentional in my thanks-giving this month. He knew what I would be going through now and gave me the solution to my challenge, before it even came. Because during this time of praying and fasting, when I can’t find the words to pray, or when I feel a tear welling up in my eye, or when I feel heavy in my spirit, I find the courage each time to say “Thank you Lord!” And then I start listing out all the things I am grateful to Him about. From the breath in my lungs to the roof over my head -- I say “Thank you Lord!”

Sis, the thing is, no matter how bad challenges may seem in life we MUST give thanks! Scripture commands us to “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonian 5:18) it’s not a command to be thankful when things are good or when you feel happy. NO; the command is in ALL circumstances. So, we must exercise gratefulness when things are good, bad, and ugly.
For that reason and so many more, I CHOOSE thanksgiving in the midst of this situation and every season of life.
Below are 10 Reasons Why I Choose Thanksgiving Always:
God is Good - Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. (Psalms 118:1)
God’s Love Endures Forever - Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. (1 Chronicles 16:34)

God is My Strength & Shield - You are my strong shield, and I trust you completely. You have helped me, and I will celebrate and thank you in song. (Psalms 28:7)
God Makes Things Right - I’m thanking God, who makes things right. I’m singing the fame of heaven-high God. (Psalms 7:17)
God Gives Me Wisdom & Power - I thank and praise you, God of my ancestors: You have given me wisdom and power, you have made known to me what we asked of You, You have made known to us the dream of the king. (Daniel 2:23)
It Is the Will of God - Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonian 5:18)
It Is An Offering In His Presence - You can pass through His open gates with the password of praise. Come right into his presence with Thanksgiving. Come bring your thank offering to Him and affectionately bless His beautiful name! (Psalms 100:4)
It is a Key Ingredient to Putting in a Prayer Request - Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell him every detail of your life. (Philippians 4:6)
God Is the Real G.O.A.T. - Everyone come meet his face with a thankful heart. Don’t hold back your praises; make him great by your shouts of joy! For the Lord is the greatest of all, King-God over all other gods! (Psalms 95:2-3)
It Is a Sacrifice to God - But [as for me], I will sacrifice to You with the voice of thanksgiving; I shall pay that which I have vowed. Salvation is from the Lord! (Jonah 2:9)
As a Chayil Woman, I have vowed to have a heart of gratitude. And thanksgiving in difficult seasons is a payment of that which I have vowed. It is my sacrifice of praise. Psalm 34:1-2 says that “I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises. I will boast only in the Lord; let all who are helpless take heart.” True gratitude is praising Him not only in the good times, but also praising God in the bad times, in the hard times, and praising Him in advance.
So Sis, my call to action for you today is this:
Take some time today, to sit back and journal out 30 Things that you are most grateful for. Read the list once a day during the next few weeks and remind yourself that these are just a few of your many blessings. One Thing I am grateful for this season is YOU. A wonderful Chayil Woman that has allowed me to join you on this journey of living life how God has called us to.
Create a Thanksgiving Playlist! You can use YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora -- or whatever your platform of choice is. Add 20 songs that exude gratitude and gratefulness. Listen to it during the next few weeks as you meditate, clean, read, or drive. Here is my Thanksgiving Playlist 2020!
Share in the comment below one thing that you are most grateful for this season. And also share your Thanksgiving Playlist; I’d love to jam along with you.