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When Mom Prays

Heaven Answers!


I remember a time shortly after I graduated from Graduate School, when I thought back to my collegiate years and some of the sketchy situations I had gotten myself into over the years.

- House parties and flows I was at, that I should not have been at - Acquaintances I invited to my dorm, that should not have been there - Seasons I was unsure of my next step, and had no idea what to do - Moments that I was saved, but did not act like Who's I know banking that grace would preserve my salvation....because my actions did not always align And as I thought back, I knew DEEP inside me that the only thing that covered me and kept me in those seasons, in that I was not delivered into the hands of the enemy, were my Praying Grandmothers and Praying Mom. Though they were 100s of miles and 1,000s of miles away, I knew that daily they were praying for me and covering me wherever I was. You may ask, how could I have been so sure?

...The only thing that covered me and kept me in those seasons [...] were my Praying Grandmothers and Praying Mom

1.) I knew my foundation...where I came from. My whole life, they've only showed me God. I knew that in Him I live and move and have my being (Acts 17:28). 2.) I would get the voice messages from them of full on prayers of blessings, coverings, reminders, and well-wishes. Some of those messages I still have saved on my phone till today. And even though my Grandmothers have gone home to Heaven, I have that small bit of them to still hold on to --- thanks to technology. 3.) I would come home on breaks, and as I approached my bedroom door, I would see the glistening of a cross donned on the top front of my door, by none other than the anointing oil. I was being prayed over, whether I wanted it or not. I am sure my pillow and bed was getting anointed as well. And I will say, that my Praying Mom can't take all the credit for that one...I also happen to have a Praying Dad.

But we're not talking about the Praying Dads today -- even though they are also very critical in the equation. Our focus is on WHEN MOM PRAYS. Because the thing is, When Mom Prays: - Things Happen - Lives are Changed - Destinies are Shifted - Chains are Broken - Legacies are Established


Paul tells Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:5, "As I think of your strong faith that was passed down through your family line. It began with your grandmother Lois, who passed it on to your dear mother, Eunice. And it’s clear that you too are following in the footsteps of their godly example." As mothers, while our habits will have a major influence on the legacy that we leave behind with our children, and their children, and their children -- it is our prayers that availeth much (James 5:16) that will be the catalyst that will drive the lives that our children and grandchildren live.

Because while I galivanted a bit in my collegiate years, the Word -- that seed -- was always on the inside of me. And truthfully, I still went to church regularly and attended a bible study occasionally; and in the midst of it all, those prayers that had been quietly upholding me, were what I am sure eventually grounded me back to who I was in Christ, while still there at school. Our children are watching us. And the faith that we exercise through our godly example, our righteous lifestyle, and our priority to prayer will be what will ground them when we are not watching and when we are not there. So, to the Mamas out there that are praying for and covering your kids daily -- KEEP DOING IT! Your prayers are not falling on deaf ears. "Listen! The Lord’s arm is not too weak to save [your child], nor is His ear too deaf to hear you call." (Isaiah 59:1 NLT) You may not see changes in your child right away, but know that Heaven is working on your behalf. The shift will happen, and it may be when you least expect it; your labor of love and legacy in prayer will not be in vain. And for the Mamas out there, who just haven't been able to make praying for your child a consistent habit -- IT'S OK! It's never too late to start. So, you can start now; and you can start small. I've always been an advocate for praying the word of God, when I pray. You can easily pick a bible verse you wish to pray over your child, and use that as your anchor. That word is guaranteed to move! Isaiah 55:11 reminds us, "So will My word be which goes out of My mouth; It will not return to Me void (useless, without result), Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it."

"Listen! The Lord’s arm is not too weak to save [your child], nor is His ear too deaf to hear you call." ~ Isaiah 59:1 NLT

Regarding your children, the word of God will move on your behalf Mama. Your prayers matter. Your prayers work. There is a lasting legacy for your family, when mom prays. If you would like a simple, yet effective guided prayer journal for moms, check out my 52-week prayer journal, When Mom Prays, available here in my shop and on Amazon. Together, let us continue to lift our children up in prayers, without ceasing -- holding on to the hope that our God hears us, He sees every tear, and He WILL answer us. God is TOO faithful to fail.

Mamas, Grandmas, Godmommys, & Aunties, what are your favorite bible verses to pray over your little (or not so little) ones? Share in the comments below.



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